Le président colombien Alvaro Uribe a brutalement mis fin à la médiation de son homologue vénézuélien Hugo Chavez dans le dossier des otages de la guérilla des FARC. Il a invoqué une ingérence dans les affaires de l'Etat. Le chet d'état Vénézuelien aurait appelé le chef des armées colombiennes, alors qu'il ne devait s'adresser qu'à Piedad Cordoba.
La médiation portait sur un échange de 45 otages, dont la Franco-Colombienne Ingrid Betancourt, contre 500 rebelles des FARC emprisonnés.
vendredi 23 novembre 2007
Otages en Colombie: Uribe met fin à la médiation de Chavez
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jeudi 22 novembre 2007
Chavez visit to France in order to talk about hostage
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said that Colombian rebels have promised to furnish proof of Ingrid Betancourt is alive."Ingrid is alive. I'm absolutely certain," Chavez said.
Chavez spoke after a meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy about Betancourt, who is part French and whose plight has fixated the nation.
Betancourt is being held by the FARC during the presidential campaign in 2002.
Chavez, working as an intermediary, is trying to arrange a swap of prisoners.
Betancourt's family want proof she is still alive. They hope a lot of things with Chavez intervention in the case of Betancourt.The government of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has set a time limit of no later than December for Chavez's efforts .
The last time Betancourt was seen in a video in 2003.
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